Mission Partners at St John’s
Through the generous giving of the Peasedown St John church family the Mission and Outreach committee of the PCC have the hard task of allocating a significant sum of money on behalf of the church family, a responsibility given to the committee by the PCC. We aim to give wisely, and build an on-going relationship with those we support, attempting to have some local giving, some national and some international. St John’s mission partners are listed below with a small amount of information. Our partner organisations are those who have a clear ‘christian’ emphasis in what they do (whilst not always ‘preaching the gospel’ as such). We continue to support those we financially assisted last year, plus we began supporting “One 25” a charity working in Bristol. Our budget for 2022 was the same amount as last year, which was £9,000. We usually leave a small amount to allocate at the end of the year (to allow for unforeseen circumstances), so the summary below does not add up to the total available.
One 25 £2000
Sat7 - sat7uk.org £1,750
Redeemer Primary School, Baghdad £1,750
Bibles for Children - biblesforchildren.org.uk £350 (approx)
This leaves a small amount that is as yet unallocated ...
The committee wish to support some organisations that are local, others that have a national emphasis and also those that have an international impact. As well as these listed, we are also supportive of the Somer Valley Foodbank, although we have not given as currently the food bank is well provided for. The Diocese of Bath and Wells promotes mission giving (in the form of “a tithe of the tithe”) but has some very clear guidelines for parishes, to ensure transparency and propriety. The Mission and Outreach committee welcome suggestions for organisations to support, which should have as part of their explicit aim the “promotion of the Christian message” – which can cover a broad range of organisations.
Bibles for Children - very local basis, and through Bibles for Children, we place a bible into the possession of every year 3 pupil at Peasedown St John school, and this is currently being arranged with the school. This is in conjunction with the Methodist and Catholic churches in Peasedown. St John’s now has responsibility for a whole year-group at Shoscombe school receiving a Bible each, probably appropriate as many pupils at that school live in Peasedown!!
Flame International - Organisation with a message of reconciliation, having mission trips to many troubled or previously troubled area of the world. Jan Ransom has just returned from Armenia and there has been another recent trip to Georgia. They have also been working in Poland assisting Ukrainians.
One 25 is a Bristol based charity helping women victims of abuse and/or those working the streets.
Redeemer Primary School Bagdad - built on the excellent foundations of the popular Nursery School, in St George's Baghdad, currently accepts 5 – 9 year-olds, but hoping to expand as funds allow. The school is a beacon of hope and quality education in the midst of what has been a hostile and dangerous city, bringing those from different communities together in an atmosphere of Christian tolerance and co-operation.
SAT7 - Charity with an international impact based in Chippenham, broadcasting a clear Christian message into MENA countries (Middle East and North Africa). They take “Go and make disciples of all nations …” to countries where it is at best ‘hard’ and at worse illegal to follow Jesus – using satellite TV and digital media
Somer Valley Food Bank - This is the local food bank, serving a five mile radius of Midsomer Norton and aiming to provide short-term help, perhaps for those whose benefits are delayed or who have a financial hiccough. This year our financial support is not required, however the foodbank has had to relocate its warehouse and start paying rent, so in 2023 our financial support may well be needed.
Tutela Africa - Charity headed up by Jonny and Becky Wakely, formerly from the Bath area, who now have two foster homes set up in Maputo, Mozambique. Jonny is currently trying to sort out documentation for a visit to Mozambique which is proving troublesome. They are running the charity from the UK.
Mission and Outreach Committee members are: Peter Morgan (chair), Catherine Aherne, Ben Attenborough, Jo Vening and Mary Warren.
Why have we chosen to support these projects?
Our projects have been chosen on the following criteria:
• They are Christian charities/projects helping to further the growth of God’s Kingdom.
• We have direct links with them – there are able to give us feedback on where our money is going.
• We have given on a local, national and international basis.
How much money do we allocate each year?
We give away one tenth of the income we receive from the previous year.
Who decides how we should give this money?
The PCC have delegated this responsibility to the Mission and Outreach Committee whose members are: Andrew Fraser, Ben Attenborough. Catherine Aherne, Jo Vening, Mary Warren and Peter Morgan.
My favourite charity isn’t represented, why not?
If you would like money to be given to a particular charity and you feel it fulfils the above criteria, please put your case to the Mission and Outreach Committee who will consider it.